Acerca de mim

A minha foto
Almada, Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Já nem me conheço

sexta-feira, outubro 30, 2020


that we are all beautiful, holographic fractal expressions of Source Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed?

The greater part of us exists in a timeless, indestructible and formless field of awareness that transcends the confines of mind, matter, space and time.  We are momentarily experiencing ourselves as ‘human beings’ (unique vantage points of consciousness) in order to experience a world of contrast, limitation, and disconnectedness.
We had temporarily forgotten the deeper reality of our Infinite Being & went on an imaginary, fun-filled vacation away from our unbroken wholeness (an ego-trip).  By playing this Cosmic Hide and Seek Game, we had turned ourselves inside out & entered into a scary, fun house filled with unlimited and unfolding possibilities.  

- Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)


terça-feira, outubro 27, 2020

-Molokini é uma cratera vulcânica parcialmente submersa em forma de crescente que forma uma pequena ilhota desabitada localizada no Canal ʻAlalākeiki entre as ilhas de Maui e Kahoʻolawe, no condado de Maui, no Havaí. Wikipedia (inglês)Fonte da imagem: playadepanama12


segunda-feira, outubro 26, 2020

" ['Nada é para sempre, dizemos, mas há momentos que parecem suspensos, pairando sobre o fluxo inexorável do tempo.']
Imagem: The flower wants to live by Daria Klepikova


Tadami river in winter, Fukushima,Japan.
by Hideyuki Katagiri


“Nymph Tales”
by David Waimín
Makeup/Model: Katheryne Martínez - MoonKat - Cosplay & Makeup


Photo by Nikolay Hristov


When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million, empty words… ~ Thema Davis


domingo, outubro 18, 2020

“It takes only a moment to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection. The harsh voice of judgement drops to a whisper and I remember again that life isn’t a relay race, that we will all cross the finish line, that waking up to life is what we were born for. As many times as I forget, catch myself charging forward without even knowing where I’m going, that many times I can make the choice to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk slowly into the mystery.”   ~ Danna Faulds


sexta-feira, outubro 16, 2020

terça-feira, outubro 13, 2020


Passing through this life with no faith
Unaware of the world around
Try to recall why I came
Try to remember why I’m here
Take another deep breath
Obras - Bartolome Esteban Murillo edited by POA Estudio


segunda-feira, outubro 05, 2020

This is not CGI. This is a real-life creature known as a sea angel (Clione sp.) hovering under ice in the White Sea, Russia. Credit: Alexander Semenov