Acerca de mim

A minha foto
Almada, Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Já nem me conheço

sexta-feira, julho 12, 2019

預かる あずかる to look after, to take care of
預ける あずける to leave (in someone’s care), to put/place (in someone’s care)
高価 こうか highly priced, expensive, valuable
個人情報 こじんじょうほう personal information
指摘する してきする to point out, to identify
そもそも in the first place, to begin with, from the start; after all
捕まる つかまる to be caught, to be arrested
掴まる つかまる to hold on to, to grasp
抵抗 ていこう resistance, opposition
人見知りする ひとみしりする shyness, fear of strangers, stranger anxiety

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